Here’s a little project for y’all! An insulated A-frame dog house. Feel free to pass it on!
Straw is a fantastic and economical insulator. It’s R-value is about 60% of foam board insulation, and costs very little.
If you’re feeling like a white girl (I most certainly am), then this is a good project that you may ACTUALLY be able to use. Sorry Pinterest, we’re not hanging up towels today. Total cost for me was about $2.00 (half a bale of straw), but you can budget about 15 bucks if you don’t have any metal or other roof covering. Plastic, leftover shingles, even a tarp will work.
1. Nail 3 pallets together in a triangle
2. Mark a 4th one on the back wall to cut out
3. Nail up the back wall.
4. Use remaining pieces of 4th pallet to make front wall, with an opening.
5. Stuff wall cavity with straw, filling all voids. (See Photos)

6. Cover with metal.
7. (Optional) watch your idiot dog be afraid to go in it…
Keep in mind, bigger is not always better, the doggo’s body heat is what heats the structure. Extra space is cold space.
Hope y’all take the time to check out my other projects! I love you guys, God Bless!
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